Seminar on Equity and Health Care 
社會科學院  社會工作學研究所  
330 M3700 
限碩士班以上 且 限碩士班以上
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本課程內容共計安排四週的背景介紹(包括公平的定義與健康照護領域的公平性議題概述、我國醫療保健輸送體系、全民健康保險制度等),以及六週的健康照護公平性概念架構的文獻閱讀(包括健康公平性(equity in health)、健康服務使用公平性(equity in health care utilization)和健康照護財務公平性(equity in health care finance)等三個面向,同時,每個面向的討論將區分為理論和概念架構以及研究方法和實證分析等兩個部分),另外,三週的專題分析,本學期著重在介紹對健康照護不均等之解釋機制的分析研究,包括經濟發展程度、不同的制度或政策設計、相對剝奪與社會排除等,最後,四週的專題報告,由課堂參與者依興趣決定主題方向。
第一週 健康照護領域的公平性議題概述
Lum, D. (1982). Problem context of health care policy. In Lum, D. (ed). Social work and health care policy. Totowa, NJ: Allanheld, Osmum & Co. Ch.1, 3-13.
Moonwy, G. & McIntyre, D. (2007). Why this book? In McIntyre D., & Moonwy, G. (eds). The economics of health equity. Ch.1, 3-9.
第二週 對公平的界定:公平、均等、可及性
Daniels, N. (2008). Three questions of justice. In Daniels, N. Just health: meeting health needs fairly. Cambridge University Press. Ch.1, 11-28.
Culyer, A. J., & Wagstaff, A. (1993). Equity and equality in health and health care. Journal of Health Economics 12, 431-457.
Gilson, L. (2007). Acceptability, trust and equity. In McIntyre D., & Moonwy, G. (eds.). The economics of health equity. Ch.7, 124-147.
Thiede, M., Akweongo, P. & McIntyre, D. (2007). Exploring the dimensions of access. In McIntyre D., & Moonwy, G. (eds.). The economics of health equity. Ch.6, 103-123.
第三週 台灣的健康照護體系(I):醫療保健輸送體系
江東亮(2003),Ch. 1~3.
楊志良編(2003),Ch. 5.
第四週 台灣的健康照護體系(II):全民健保
江東亮(2003),Ch. 5, 6.
楊志良編(2003),Ch. 1, 3, 4, 7.
第五週 健康的公平性(I):理論與概念
Daniels, N., Kennedy, B., & Kawachi, I. (2000). 99pp.
Kawachi, I., & Kennedy, B. P. (2002). 220pp.
Siegrist, J. & Marmot, M. (2006). Introduction. in Marmot, M. & Siegrist, J. (eds.). Social inequalities in health. Ch1, 1-25.
第六週 健康的公平性(II):研究方法與實證
Chou, Y.J., Huang, N., Lee, C. H., Tsai, S. L. Tsay, J. H., Chen, L. S., & Chou, P. (2003). Suicides after the 1999 Taiwan earthquake. International Journal of Epidemiology 32(6), 1007-1014.
Lu, N., Samuels, M. E., & Wilson, R. (2004). Socioeconomic differences in health: how much do health behaviors and health insurance coverage account for? Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 15(4), 618-630.
O’Donnell, et al. (2008). 220pp.
Williams, A., & Cookson, R. (2000). Equity in health. In Culyer, A. J., & Newhouse, J. P. (eds). Handbook of health economics. Amsterdam ; New York : Elsevier. Ch. 35, 1863-1910.
陳保中、Doyle, P. E.等(1999),父母親社經狀態與低出生體重嬰兒、早產兒,及生長遲滯嬰兒之相關性探討,中華公共衛生雜誌,18(2), 105-115.
游舒涵、陳映燁等(2007),台北市1991-2004年間社會經濟因子與自殺死亡率趨勢, 臺灣公共衛生雜誌,26(1), 66-74.
第七週 健康服務使用的公平性(I):理論與概念
Andersen, R. M. (1995). Revisiting the behavioral model and access to medical care: does it matter? Journal of Health and Social Behavior 36(1), 1-10.
Bunker, J. P., Frazier, H. S., & Mosteller, F. (1995). The role of medical care in determining health: creating an inventory of benefits. In Amick, B. C., Levine, S., Tarlov, A. R., & Walsh, D. C. (eds.). Society and health. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. Ch. 10, 305-341.
Taylor, D. G., L. A. Aday, et al. (1975). A social indicator of access to medical care. Journal of Health and Social Behavior 16(1), 39-49.
第八週 健康服務使用的公平性(II):研究方法與實證
Chen, C. S., Liu, T. C., Lin, H. C., & Tian, W. H. (2007). The effect of Taiwan’s national health insurance on infants’ preventive care use and inpatient care use. Health Policy 80, 432-443.
Chen, L.S., Huang, N., Tsay, J. H., Wang, P. J., Chou, Y. J., Chou, P., & Lee, C. H. (2007). Screening for cervical cancer among female physicians and their relatives in Taiwan: a population-based comparative study. Preventive Medicine 44, 531-535.
Chou, Y. C., Lee, Y. C., Lin, L. C., Chang, A. N., & Huang, W. Y. (2008). Social services utilization by adults with intellectual disabilities and their families. Social Science & Medicine 66, 2474-2485.
Rogers, A., & Pilgrim, D. (2003). Inequalities created by service provision. In Rogers, A., & Pilgrim, D. Mental health and inequality. NY, US: Palgrave Macmillan. Ch. 3, 65-82.
Tsay, J. H., Lee, C. H., Hsu, Y. J. , Wang, P. J., Bai, Y. M., Chou, Y. J., & Huang, N. (2007). Disparities in appendicitis rupture rate among mentally ill patients. BMC Public Health 7, 331.
Waters, H. R. (2000). Measuring equity in access to health care. Social Science & Medicine 51, 599-612.
第九週 健康照護財務的公平性(I):理論與概念
Donaldson, C., & Gerard, K. (2005). 2nd ed. Economics of health care financing: the visible hand. Ch. 5, 9.
Wagstaff, A., & van Doorslaer, E. (1993). Equity in the finance and delivery of health care: concepts and definitions. In van Doorslaer, E., Wagstaff, A., & Rutten, F. (eds.). Equity in the finance and delivery of health care: an international perspective. NY, US: Oxford University Press. pp. 7-19.
Kakwani, N. C. (1977). Measurement of tax progressivity: an international comparison. The Economic Journal 87(345), 71-80.
Pechman, J. A., Okner, B. A. (1974). Who bears the tax burden? US: The Brookings Institution.
第十週 健康照護財務的公平性(II):研究方法與實證
Tsay, J. H. (2003). Household composition and inequality in health care financing in Taiwan, 1995-2000. Taiwan Economic Review 31(4), 483-505.
van Doorslaer, E., et al. (2007). Catastrophic payments for health care in Asia. Health Economics 16(11), 1159-1184.
Wagstaff, A., & Van Doorslaer, E. (2000). Equity in health care finance and delivery. In Culyer, A. J., Newhouse, J. P. (eds). Handbook of health economics. Amsterdam ; New York : Elsevier. Ch.34, 1803-1862.
Zechmeister, I., & Osterle, A. (2006). Distributional impacts of mental health care financing arrangements: a comparison of the UK, Germany and Austria. Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics 9(1), 35-44.
蔡貞慧、張鴻仁、王本仁(2005),2002年調整保費及部分負擔對全民健康保險財務公平性之影響,人文及社會科學集刊,17(1), 1-31。
蔡貞慧(2004),我國全民健康保險的所得重分配效果,1995-2000,社會政策與社會工作學刊,8(1), 221-250。
第十一週 對不均等的解釋機制:不同的經濟發展程度
Chiang, T. L. (1999). Economic transition and changing relation between income inequality and mortality in Taiwan: regression analysis. BMJ 319, 1162-1165.
Deaton, A. (2003). Health, inequality, and economic development. Journal of Economic Literature 41(1), 113-158.
Mackintosh, M.. (2007). International migration and extreme health inequality: robust arguments and institutions for international redistribution in health care. In McIntyre D., & Moonwy, G. (eds.). The economics of health equity. Ch.8, 151-173.
Schalick, L. M., Hadden, W. C., Pamuk, E., Navarro, V., & Pappas, G. (2004). The widening gap in death rates among income groups in the United States from 1967 to 1986. In Navarro, V., & Muntaner, C. (eds.). Political and economic determinants of population health and well-being. NY, US: Baywood. Ch. 8, 115-127.
Weisbrot, M., Baker, D., Kraev, E., & Chen, J. (2004). The scorecard on globalization 1980-2000: its consequences for economic and social well-being. In Navarro, V., & Muntaner, C. (eds.). Political and economic determinants of population health and well-being. NY, US: Baywood. Ch. 7, 91-114
第十二週 對不均等的解釋機制:不同的制度與政策設計
Berkman, L. F., & Melchior, M. (2006). The shape of things to come: how social policy impacts social integration and family structure to produce population health. In Siegrist, J., & Marmot, M. (eds.). Social inequalities in health. Ch. 3, 55-77.
Burstrom, B., Whitehead, M., Lindholm, C., & Diderichsen, F. (2004). Inequality in the social consequences of illness: how well do people with long-term illness fare in the British and Swedish labor market? In Navarro, V., & Muntaner, C. (eds.). Political and Economic Determinants of population health and well-being: controversies and developments. NY: Baywood. Ch. 3, 35-50.
Dahl, E., Fritzell, J., Lahelma, E., Martikainen, P., Kunst, A., & Mackenbach, J. P. (2006). Welfare state regimes and health inequalities. In Siegrist, J., & Marmot, M. (eds.). Social inequalities in health. Ch. 9, 193-222.
Mackenbach, J. P. (2006). Socio-economic inequalities in health in Western Europe: from description to explanation to intervention. In Siegrist, J., & Marmot, M. (eds.). Social inequalities in health. Ch. 10, 223-250.
McIntyre, D. (2007). Pay the piper and call the tune: changing health care financing mechanisms to address public-private health sector mix inequities. In McIntyre D., & Moonwy, G. (eds). The economics of health equity. Ch.9. pp.174-196.
Navarro, V. (2002). The political economy of the welfare state in developed capitalist countries. In Navarro, V. (ed.). The political economy of social inequalities: consequences for health and quality of life. Ch. 4, 121-169.
Whitehead, M., Burstrom, B., & Diderichsen, F. (2000). Social policies and the pathways to inequalities in health: a comparative analysis of lone mothers in Britain and Sweden. Social Science & Medicine 50(2): 255-270.
羅紀?(2006),綜論,於羅紀?編,健康保險制度:日、德、法、荷的經驗與啟示,台北:巨流。Ch. 6, 315-359.
第十三週 對不均等的解釋機制:相對剝奪與社會排除
Kawachi, I., Subramanian, S. V., & Kim, D. (eds.). (2008). Ch. 1, 9.
Krysia, C., Jones, C., Marttila, A., Burstrom, B., & Whitehead, M. (2007). Can I risk using public services? Perceived consequences of seeking help and health care among households living in poverty: qualitative study. Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health 61(11), 984-989.
Lindholm, C., Burstrom, B., & Diderichsen, F. (2001). Does chronic illness cause adverse social and economic consequences among Swedes? Scandinavian Journal of Public Health 29, 63-70.
Marmont, M. G., Bobak, M., & Smith, G. D. (1995). Explanations for social equalities in health. In Amick, B. C., Levine, S., Tarlov, A. R., & Walsh, D. C. (eds.). Society and health. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. Ch. 6, 172-210.
Yngwe, M. A. (2005). Resources and relative deprivation. Sweden: Almqvist & Wiksell International. 129pp.
第十四週 特殊人口群的健康照護公平性(I)
(1) 導引文章將根據同學報告主題,於上課前三週指派。
(2) 同學口頭報告排程將於第十週根據報告主題排序。
第十五週 特殊人口群的健康照護公平性(II)
(1) 導引文章將根據同學報告主題,於上課前三週指派。
(2) 同學口頭報告排程將於第十週根據報告主題排序。
第十六週 特殊人口群的健康照護公平性(III)
(1) 導引文章將根據同學報告主題,於上課前三週指派。
(2) 同學口頭報告排程將於第十週根據報告主題排序。
第十七週 特殊人口群的健康照護公平性(IV)
(1) 導引文章將根據同學報告主題,於上課前三週指派。
(2) 同學口頭報告排程將於第十週根據報告主題排序。


課程目標:(1) 透過文獻閱讀與老師的介紹,學生得以充實對健康照護公平性相關的理論或概念基礎,以及研究方法。(2) 透過文獻閱讀與課堂討論,學生得以熟悉健康照護公平性議題的相關實證研究現況,及其與社會福利政策和實務的連結。(3) 透過專題報告的撰寫及口頭進度報告,學生得以完成文獻探討研究方法的實地操作,並發展出個人有興趣和特長的主題。 
課程要求: (1) 在關懷生命、保密隱私、尊重多元的原則下,老師及學生可以在課堂上或課程網頁上分享意見並對老師及同學的意見提出回饋。(2) 學生應進行上課前的文獻閱讀,並應主動參與上課時的分享與討論,同時也準時繳交作業。(3) 老師應公平、公正地提供學生關於課程學習的回饋。

1. 專題報告80%
2. 課堂參與20%
Office Hours
Daniels, N., Kennedy, B., & Kawachi, I. (2000). Is inequalities bad for our health? MA, US: Beacon Press.
Kawachi, I., & Kennedy, B. P. (2002). The health of nations: why inequality is harmful to your health. NY, US: The New Press.
Kawachi, I., Subramanian, S. V., & Kim, D. (eds.). (2008). Social capital and health. NY: Springer e-books. http://www.springerlink.com/content/p713jn/.
McIntyre, D., & Mooney, G. (eds.). (2007). The economics of health equity. UK: Cambridge Press.
Navarro, V. (ed.). (2002). The political economy of social inequalities: consequences for health and quality of life. NY, US: Baywood.
Navarro, V., & Muntaner, C. (eds.). (2004). Political and economic determinants of population health and well-being. NY, US: Baywood.
O’Donnell, et al. (2008). Analyzing health equity using household survey data: a guide to techniques and their implication. Washington, DC, US: World Bank. http://www.dcp2.org/file/146/.
Siegrist, J., & Marmot, M. (eds.). (2006). Social inequalities in health: new evidence and policy implications. Oxford University Press.
02/20  課程介紹 [syllabus再修訂版!new] 
02/27  對公平和弱勢的定義 <必讀:Nussbaum, Ch.3.(其餘章節為參考)> 
3/6  社會工作與健康不均 
3/13  照護者與被照護者--兼論專業關係與專業權力  
3/20  照護的場所--兼論醫療照護輸送體系 
3/27  照護的結構脈絡--兼論我國全民健保制度 
4/10  健康照護財務的公平性(I):理論與概念 
4/17  健康照護財務的公平性(II):研究方法與實證
4/24  健康服務使用的公平性(I):理論與概念
5/1  健康服務使用的公平性(II):研究方法與實證
5/8  健康的公平性(I):理論與概念 
5/15  健康的公平性(II):研究方法與實證  
5/22  對不均等的解釋機制:不同模型 
5/29  對不均等的解釋機制:不同的制度與政策設計 
6/5  學生專題報告
6/12  學生專題報告 
6/19  期末考週,不上課
最遲應於 6/26 之前繳交書面報告。